I spent a good chunk of last night playing around with trying to get an author, bio, and pic to appear on my posts. I have not had much of a reason to play with templates, and the tutorial I followed injected their own preferences while failing to offer much of a discussion on how to do things. So I figured I would write up what I did in case I need to do it again with a new template/theme or at a later date.

Hugo Lives

- 2 mins read
A New Venue for My Learning I’ve had this webspace for nearly a year and I’ve done absolutely nothing with it. No longer! I was motivated briefly to update my domain on bluesky, but I had not added anything to this website. So I decided to start diving into static website generators like I had wanted to for a long while. I initially started with Pelican, but I got annoyed with the limited documentation on how to get the theme to actually play nice with my webhosts insistence that all files go into the “public_html” folder.